Advanced Life Support (ALS) Level 3 (VTQ)

117 videos, 6 hours and 42 minutes

Course Content

Using an AED

Video 69 of 117
3 min 37 sec
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CPR and AED Usage

1. AED Stage Importance

Crucial Role of Automated External Defibrillator (AED)

  • Speed and Smoothness: Swift and seamless AED usage is critical.
  • Continuous CPR: CPR and oxygen administration must continue during AED setup.
  • Uninterrupted Chain of Events: Keep the flow of actions without halting for AED placement.

2. Consistent AED Operation

Uniformity in Defibrillator Operation

  • European Resource Council Guidelines: Standardized guidelines followed by defibrillators across Europe.
  • Device Variations: Different defibrillator types with similar operating principles.
  • Voice Prompts and Visuals: User-friendly guidance on the defibrillator for ease of use.

3. Proper Pad Placement

Correct Positioning of Defibrillator Pads

  • Pad Placement: Position one pad on the top right pectoral muscle and another on the left side of the abdomen.
  • Heart Location: Understanding the heart's position (left side, size of a clenched fist).
  • Effective Shock: Ensuring shocks pass directly through the heart's center to stun the myocardium and reset its rhythm.

4. AED Functionality

Defibrillator Operation Analogy

  • Heart as a Device: Comparing the heart's rhythm issue to a device freeze (e.g., laptop or mobile phone).
  • Shocking Process: Rapidly shocking the heart to stun it, stop the abnormal rhythm, and allow it to reset.
  • Restoration of Life-Compatible Rhythm: Bringing the heart back to a rhythm compatible with life.