Advanced Life Support (ALS) Level 3 (VTQ)

117 videos, 6 hours and 42 minutes

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Adult CPR

Video 65 of 117
5 min 7 sec
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Breaking Down CPR: Steps and Considerations

1. Ensuring Safety First

Prioritizing Safety in CPR

  • Assess for Dangers: Always begin by checking for potential hazards in the environment.
  • Importance of Safety: Emphasize the critical role of your safety in ensuring the patient's chance of survival.

2. Seeking a Response

Efforts to Rouse the Patient

  • Talk and Tap: Attempt to elicit a response from the patient through verbal communication and gentle physical stimuli.

3. Assessing the Airway

Evaluating and Clearing the Airway

  • Airway Examination: Inspect the patient's airway for potential obstructions such as foreign objects, liquid, vomit, or blood.
  • Utilizing Head Tilt, Chin Lift: Deploy the head tilt and chin lift technique after positioning the patient's stretcher flat.
  • 10-Second Airway Check: Observe, listen, and feel for any signs of breathing or airway blockage for no more than 10 seconds.
  • Beware of Agonal Gasping: Recognize and distinguish agonal gasping (last breaths) from normal breathing.
  • Muscle Movements: Acknowledge that some patients may exhibit limb movements, often mistaken for seizures, due to lack of oxygen stimulation.

4. Initiating CPR

Commencing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

  • Immediate CPR: Initiate CPR promptly for the best possible outcome.
  • Proper Hand Placement: Position your hands over the chest, approximately at the nipple line.
  • Compression Technique: Maintain consistent hand and finger placement, utilizing body weight for compressions.
  • Compression Depth: Compress the chest to a depth of 5 to 6 cm, ensuring full recoil for blood refill.
  • Compression Rate: Maintain a rate of 120 compressions per minute for optimal blood flow to the brain.