Advanced Life Support (ALS) Level 3 (VTQ)

117 videos, 6 hours and 42 minutes

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IV Access

Video 45 of 117
5 min 38 sec
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Gaining Intravenous Access: Procedure and Equipment

Introduction to Intravenous Access

Understanding the Procedure and Equipment

Consent and Patient Comfort

Respecting Patient Rights and Comfort

  • Consent: Always obtain patient consent for the procedure.
  • Patient Understanding: Ensure patients fully comprehend the procedure and their right to refuse.
  • Discomfort: Acknowledge that the procedure can be uncomfortable.

When and Why Intravenous Access is Necessary

Timing and Purpose of Intravenous Access

Timing: Access may be required in anticipation of worsening patient conditions.

Purpose: Intravenous cannulas are used for drug and fluid administration.

Equipment Overview

Essential Tools for the Procedure

  • Tourniquet: Used to engorge veins for easier access.
  • Sterile Field: Dressings and securing devices for maintaining sterility.
  • Cannula Variety: Different sizes for various patient needs (e.g., 14 to 24 gauge).
  • Skin Preparation: Products like chlorhexidine ensure a sterile field.

Preparation and Cannula Testing

Steps Before Cannula Insertion

  • Skin Prep: Apply and allow chlorhexidine to dry for sterile skin.
  • Cannula Patency: Confirm by drawing normal saline into a syringe and checking for cool fluid flow.
  • Check Expiry: Ensure cannula and consumables are within the use-by date.
  • Packaging Integrity: Verify no damage or dirt ingress in packaging.

Safe Disposal

Handling Sharps and Disposal

Responsibility: Dispose of exposed Sharps responsibly in a designated container.